Pricing - Pay What Is Fair

Subscription Options

We are currently offering the following two subscription options.

60 Day Limited Trial

As a new user, you can set up a 'Free Limited Trial' for 60 days. This allows you to create a Clinical Will, register your Next of Kin and Clinical Trustees, and add records for up to three clients for free.

After 60 days or when you are ready to add details for more clients, you will be asked to pay for an annual subscription, giving you access to the full service with an unlimited number of client records and Clinical Wills.

For the Full Service
Pay What is Fair

We believe that individual practitioners should be free to decide the value of to them. Therefore our full service is offered on a 'Pay What is Fair' basis.

Based on conversations with existing users, we think that for practitioners with an established practice, an annual fee equivalent to their standard session fee represents a good balance between value and affordability.