Next of Kin

Customer Reviews

The following reviews are genuine testimonials from valued members of our community.

"This is a brilliant service. I set my will up using this and it is very straightforward. I really recommend it."
"The site gives me peace of mind that my trustee will contact my clients. The information is in one place and that helps me to feel safe."
"What I particularly love is the weekly reminder to make sure it's up to date - one thing fewer for me to have to remember."
"I've just set up my Clinical Will using I'm a big fan. It's an excellent tool."
"Very easy to use."

"I like the way you've kept it simple, but broken the form into clients, supervisees, organisations. It's very user-friendly."
"I'm impressed with the ease of inputting data. I had put off doing a will but this was so easy to use I immediately did it."
"I love being able to instantly update as clients join or leave so I know the information is always up to date."

Practitioners can register to set up an account. Once registered, you can use the platform on a free limited trial basis or upgrade to a paid subscription to access all features.

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